Music was my refuge. I could crawl into the space between the notes and curl my back to loneliness. ~Maya Angelou, Gather Together in My Name

Monday, April 30, 2007

Web Site Critique: Piano lab

This site was created by Ms. Garrett a music teacher in Birmingham, Al and her students. Garrett uses Sibelius music software and MIDI keyboards in her classroom to teach not only music reading, but to create, publish, and print music by using a computer. Each student receives one session (40 - 45 minutes) per week in the Lab. Students having access to keyboards, computers, and the Internet at home can access additional lessons and activities to enhance their music learning.

Student Work

This is my favorite part of this site. Here one finds many examples of student compositions. Also, on this page there are videos of student at work in her classroom. The students really get to have part ownership of this site. By allowing them to post their work Garrett fosters a sense of community accomplishment in her class. Also, I find it neat that parents would also be able to see what their children are creating.

Music Lessons

This section contains supplemental lessons for the students who have computer access at home. Not only do the students learn to understand music notation, but they also reading lessons on composers as well. ( Ha! Literacy in the music classroom!) Garrett really uses cross curricular ties by teaching language arts, history and even math al through the use of her keyboard lab.

In services

This section holds important dates of various music technology conventions and learning opportunities across the US. Again, what a wonderful resource!

Quizzes, Games, music help

Here we find a huge amount of lessons that are available to her students from home and other music educators across the country. This is the best collection of music related lessons and games I have ever seen. Wow. If I ever find myself teaching elementary I will be sure to use some of her ideas.

This site in amazing! I can’t believe what Mr. Garrett has been able to accomplish with technology and music education at her school. Technology and music do mix. Keyboards labs such as this would be a great help in increasing music literacy and love from an early age. This site is clear and very well organized. I was able to find everything I needed easily. Ms. Garrett has obviously done an incredible job with her music classroom; I would absolutely recommend this site to anyone looking to create a keyboard lab in their own school.

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